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Darc Awards 2017 Shortlisted


Our International Lighting Design Workshop of 2016 is shortlisted for a Darc Award among 12 inspiring events (s. here).

Workshop 2016 - Report in MondoArc

A report about our last International LD Workshop has published on pages 124-126 of the issue 97 (April/May 2017) of MondoArc.

The movie about our recent workshop has been released


The short movie (see here) about our 3rd workshop provides an insight into the relevant creative activities and the implicated lighting design challenges faced by the participants. A relevant report has been published in the issue November/December 2016 of the magazine LICHT.

Workshop Ambassador in Jordan


Architect Saja Nashashibi from Amman/JO has been appointed as our Ambassador for Jordan and will be at the disposal of her fellow countrymen and the local universities, interested in participating in our workshop as supporting academic institutions, for further information about our LD Workshop. The further outlook is to celebrate the success of this new very promising cooperation with another series of LD workshops, to be held in Jordan. Meanwhile we certainly expect new fellows from Jordan in the next year.

Workshop Ambassador in Turkey


Lighting Designer Zeynep Ekit from Istanbul/TR has been appointed as our Ambassador for Turkey and will be at the disposal of her fellow countrymen and the local universities, interested in participating in our workshop as supporting academic institutions, for further information about our LD Workshop. The further outlook is to celebrate the success of this new very promising cooperation with another series of LD workshops, to be held in Turkey. Meanwhile we certainly expect new fellows from Turkey in the next year.

Workshop Report 2016


The three above illustrated projects of St. Charalambos Church, Panagia Rematiani Church and Taxiarchis Church, which have been implemented in the framework of the 3rd International Lighting Design Workshop - ILDW "Rethink the Night!" afforded all participants from Jordan, El Salvador, Honduras, Turkey, Moldova, Hungary, Mexico, Palestine, Germany, India, France and Greece the experience of creative lighting design and of the holistic perception of each effect on genuine nightscapes under the unique starry sky of Kea. Reports about the results of the 3rd ILDW have been published in recent magazine issues of our media partners (see here and here).

New Forces

Emrah Baki Ulas and Mirjam Roos joined our expanding workshop family.


With numerous professional honours and recognitions, Emrah and Mirjam are well-decorated and sought-after lighting professionals and are a harmonious duo as the co-leaders of lighting design at Steensen Varming. With background in interior architecture and lighting design, Mirjam exceptionally integrates the dialogue of space, material and light into her work. She has a unique sense for subtlety and beauty. Her collaborative character and strong work ethic has been praised by many professionals over the years.

Emrah’s interest and experience are wide ranging in lighting design, lighting education, engineering, music technology and musical composition as well as permanent and temporary light sculptures. He has a passion in light and music as means to question, compose and transform context and narrate stories (see here a representative example of his skill to organize the unity of simultaneous audio & visual stimuli in the course of unexpected narrations).

We are proud to announce that Emrah and Mirjam, who have already confirmed their support to the workshop of 2017 as lecturers and workshop leaders will represent our darkness minded family as workshop ambassadors in the UK as well as at the forthcoming darc night event.

Darc Awards Shortlisted


Our International Lighting Design Workshop of 2015 is shortlisted for a Darc Award among 15 inspiring events (s. here). This pleasing distinction encourages us to continue our efforts to disseminate night friendly lighting techniques on the occasion of the forthcoming workshop, which will be held this October for a third year in a row on the island of Kea under a night sky of a particular quality (s. here).

Workshop 2015 - Media Partners Reports

Reports about our International LD Workshop have been published on pages 198-199 of the issue 89 (February/March 2016) of MondoArc and in the issue January/February 2016 of the german magazine LICHT.

Encouraged to continue


The short film (s. here) about the last workshop on the island of Kea reminds us of the success ingredients which shall inspire our next actions towards the upcoming workshop.


© 2024 Rethink the Night.


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